
The joy of mission in Mozambique

The joy of mission in Mozambique

P. Deo gracias NYUMU, mccj

As we prepare for the ordination of our confrere Paluku Faustin, one of the Congolese missionaries working in the Comboni Province of Mozambique, our joy is immense to see that our province of origin, Congo, gives a considerable number of missionaries to all the Comboni provinces and especially to that of Mozambique.

The intense work of missionary animation and the huge and considerable investment in formation in Congo are already beginning to bear fruit.
We, the last to arrive, are following in the footsteps of our elders who preceded us and left their missionary footprints here in Mozambique.

The first Congolese missionary who worked in Mozambique was Father PÉPÉ KALUANGILA, then came Brother Philippe followed by Father INNOCENT NZOLI, who arrived here in Mozambique when he was still a scholastic. He has just completed twelve good years in Mozambique and is currently preparing for the Comboni Year. I am before the last one to come and work in this province. After me, came Deacon Faustin Paluku, who is preparing for ordination.

We work in our various parishes with particular attention to youth work and the preparation of the faithful for the various sacraments. 
We entrust ourselves to your prayers and ask that grace may send us more and more missionaries.



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