During this month of August 2019, 21 confreres, priests and brothers from the Comboni provinces of Africa French-speaking and Rome are living a prolonged period of ongoing formation. The meeting takes place in our house in Kimwenza, Kinshasa, a place that offers a suitable setting for this type of experience.
They are called "young", given their age and the number of years of ordination or perpetual vows; but they live solid and important responsibilities in the missionary service they are carrying out in their province. Four are the confreres who live with them this way in the service of animating the meeting, Fathers Fidèle Katsan, Elias Sindjalim, Vincenzo Percassi and Fermo Bernasconi.
Working in the circonscriptions of the TGB (2), CAR (1), Tchad (6), DRC (9) and Rome (3), they are of several nationalities: Togo, Congo, Benin, CAR, Italy, RSA, Portugal, Mexico. This is another opportunity, in this year dedicated to the theme of interculturality, to live this grace and the challenges it brings. Many of them have known each other for a long time, having lived together for some time in basic formation or service in the mission. It is also the grace of meeting one another.
The idea of this meeting dates back few years ago, welcoming the desire of some confreres, discussed during the assemblies of provincials and formators, it is now being realized.
The purpose of this commitment is to implement what has been affirmed several times as important by Chapters and the General Council: to help the confreres to live well the first years of their missionary ministry, to value all the "opportunities" and opportunities of their consecrated and missionary life, to overcome possible difficulties in the transition from basic formation to daily life.
For this reason, this ongoing formation meeting that we are starting gives priority to the in-depth personal re-reading of each person's experience, through the help of some contents that have the function of inputs, personal reflection, sharing in small groups and a moment of dialogue in the assembly. Personal prayer, the deepening of the Comboni charism and the celebration of the liturgy offer the grace of bringing everything back to the core of our life: the gift of God.
They are called "young", given their age and the number of years of ordination or perpetual vows; but they live solid and important responsibilities in the missionary service they are carrying out in their province. Four are the confreres who live with them this way in the service of animating the meeting, Fathers Fidèle Katsan, Elias Sindjalim, Vincenzo Percassi and Fermo Bernasconi.
Working in the circonscriptions of the TGB (2), CAR (1), Tchad (6), DRC (9) and Rome (3), they are of several nationalities: Togo, Congo, Benin, CAR, Italy, RSA, Portugal, Mexico. This is another opportunity, in this year dedicated to the theme of interculturality, to live this grace and the challenges it brings. Many of them have known each other for a long time, having lived together for some time in basic formation or service in the mission. It is also the grace of meeting one another.
The idea of this meeting dates back few years ago, welcoming the desire of some confreres, discussed during the assemblies of provincials and formators, it is now being realized.
The purpose of this commitment is to implement what has been affirmed several times as important by Chapters and the General Council: to help the confreres to live well the first years of their missionary ministry, to value all the "opportunities" and opportunities of their consecrated and missionary life, to overcome possible difficulties in the transition from basic formation to daily life.
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